Watoto Baby House Fundraiser 9/6-20/2013

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Travel Advisory and Immunizations Galore!!

As I prepare for my impending adventure, I wanted to give my support team an update!
Less than a month and I will be on a plane bound for Uganda, Africa.  Soooo cool!!  :)
I am very excited, and yet I am fighting some apprehensions... rrying to find the balance between walking in faith and fearlessness and walking in wisdom and reality.

Last week the US government issued a global travel advisory.  Basically they advise Americans to not travel due to unusually high terrorist chatter.  At least that is how I understood it.  The advisory ends August 31, but as my mom pointed out, terrorists probably don't check the calendar.

I am sure if it is too dangerous to go, Watoto Ministries will advise me to reschedule.  They wouldn't put the team in danger, and they wouldn't want to be responsible for a bunch of Americans/other foreigners if there really was trouble.  My plan is to keep in contact with the ministry, and take whatever they advise into prayer and consideration.

Please be praying for the whole situation.  I believe God has ordained that I should go and be a part of the work Watoto is doing.  He provided the funding through you, my amazing support team, so rapidly that I am still in awe.  I believe He will protect me, and as my sister recently reminded me, the safest place to be is in the center of God's will for my life.  Join me as I seek His wisdom in this situation.

In other updates
Just this morning I completed my CPR training!  I wanted to take this course so would be ready to handle any emergency situations while working in the Baby Homes!  Not only did I receive training on how to administer CPR to infants, but I got the full course.  So now I can save lives of all ages!! :)

I have gotten the following immunizations:  Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Hep B and a prescription for Malaria that I will take while in Uganda and then a month after I return.  These are expensive, however the generosity in giving was so great, that I have funds to cover most of the cost of the immunizations.  Those individuals whose funds were used were contacted, and they gave their approval for their donation to be used for this part of the trip.


I will continue to update you, and I appreciate and value your prayers!!!
For the Kingdom!!